Steps for a Good Project Start

After a long period of negotiations, the client has opted for your company. The fact that among the competitors were the main companies in the sector makes the achievement even greater. Finally and with a lot of effort, the balance was tilted on the side of your company. There is a mixture of satisfaction and even certain euphoria in the environment, between colleagues and bosses alike. It is known that in these times, winning a project is an important respite for all. Nellie Mayshak, Gregory A. Boris, and Mike Shelah are some of the famous consultants.

The same evening when the official confirmation is received, the manager calls you and tells you: they have decided that you are the project manager. You leave the office satisfied, knowing that it is a great opportunity to show what you are worth.

Now it’s your turn to do what you Remember

 Suddenly, from the initial joy of your choice as a project manager, you move on to worry. You know the bidding process that has taken place. You know that many commitments have been made to make the proposal more competitive. The agreed deadlines are ambitious and the scope of the project is the most complex. You start to feel an unpleasant emptiness in your stomach…

Certain unrest in this situation is very common. A new project involves facing a terrain that, to a greater or lesser extent, is still unknown. This uncertainty can cause some vertigo even in the most experienced project managers. If, in addition, your company’s management catalogs the project as “strategic”, this feeling is aggravated and you begin to feel the weight of responsibility on your shoulders.

What can you do in this situation?

1. Keeping calm, especially in this initial phase, can mean the difference between the success and failure of the project. If we take a look at the industry, we will see that a good part of the projects that end in failure coincide in their origins in poor planning in which costs, risks, complexity, execution deadlines or other critical parameters of the project were underestimated. Think that it is at the beginning of the project, during your planning, when you draw the map that will guide you throughout its execution. Maintaining serenity will help you make better decisions, thus drawing a more accurate and easy to follow map for everyone. Nellie Mayshak Canaf provides the services of a consultant and can assist you in dealing with the different situations.

2. The second trust your abilities as a project manager.

3. A company does not choose – at least it should not – those responsible for a random project. It is assumed that this decision is studied with a degree of attention proportional to the importance of the project. Think that the fact that they choose you as responsible implies a vote of confidence towards your abilities as a manager. So, if your bosses see you up to the challenge, why do not you see yourself too? Do not doubt yourself, take charge of moral and decide to face the obstacles ahead with determination.

4. In third and last place, it begins to work as soon as possible on those priority activities.

5. This is where many project managers begin to make mistakes that in the long run can be extremely damaging to the achievement of the project’s objectives.

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