6 Effective Tips for Homeowners Struggling with Clutter

For many homeowners, the challenge of managing clutter is a constant struggle, especially for expanding families. As families grow, so does the accumulation of belongings, often making living spaces feel cramped and disorganized. In today’s economy, where housing prices are steep – exemplified by the median sale price of a home in Greenwood hitting $99K last month – upgrading to a larger home is not always a viable solution. Instead, finding effective ways to deal with clutter within the existing space becomes crucial. This article aims to provide homeowners with six practical tips to tackle clutter, helping them create more organized, spacious, and enjoyable living environments without the need for relocating.

1. Implementing a ‘One In, One Out’ Rule

To prevent clutter from accumulating over time, adopting the ‘One In, One Out’ rule can be highly effective. This simple strategy involves removing an existing item for every new item brought into the home. For instance, if you purchase a new pair of shoes, an old pair should be donated or discarded. This rule helps maintain a balance and avoid the gradual buildup of unnecessary items.

The ‘One In, One Out’ rule also encourages mindful consumption. It prompts homeowners to think carefully about the necessity and value of each new purchase. This rule not only helps in keeping the home clutter-free but also fosters a more sustainable and conscious approach to buying.

2. Using Storage Units

One effective solution for homeowners grappling with excess belongings is the use of storage units. For residents in areas like Greenwood, utilizing Greenwood storage units can be a practical way to handle items that are not needed on a daily basis but are still important to keep. Storage units offer a secure, off-site option to store seasonal decorations, recreational equipment, or sentimental items, thereby freeing up valuable space in the home.

When considering a storage unit, it’s important to choose one that best fits your needs in terms of size, climate control, and security features. A climate-controlled unit is essential for items sensitive to temperature and humidity, such as electronics or antiques. Additionally, evaluate the security measures in place, such as surveillance cameras or on-site personnel, to ensure your belongings are safe.

Organizing items for storage is also key. Label boxes clearly and consider using shelving units inside the storage space to keep things neat and easily accessible. By thoughtfully utilizing storage units, homeowners can significantly alleviate the burden of clutter in their homes.

3. Regular Decluttering Sessions

Regular decluttering sessions are crucial for keeping your home organized and free from clutter. Setting aside time each week, month, or season for decluttering can prevent the overwhelming accumulation of items. Start with one room or area at a time, sorting through belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, sell, or throw away.

A good strategy for decluttering is to categorize items into specific groups such as ‘keep,’ ‘donate,’ ‘sell,’ and ‘discard.’ Be honest with yourself about the usefulness and sentimental value of each item. Remember, the goal is to create space and reduce clutter, not just to move things around.

For items that are difficult to part with, consider whether they have been used in the past year. If not, they won’t be missed. Regular decluttering not only clears physical space but also brings a sense of order and tranquility to your living environment.

4. Maximizing Vertical Space

Utilizing vertical space is an often-overlooked solution for homeowners struggling with clutter. This approach involves taking advantage of walls and higher areas in your home to create additional storage space. By installing shelves, hanging systems, and wall-mounted cabinets, you can store a variety of items without encroaching on your living area.

Shelves, for instance, can be used in almost every room – from the kitchen for spices and cookware to the living room for books and decor. The key is to use shelving that complements your home’s décor while being functional. For more extensive storage needs, wall-mounted cabinets can be a great option, especially in bedrooms and bathrooms where floor space is limited.

Using hooks and hanging organizers can also transform how you store everyday items like coats, bags, and jewelry. These tools are particularly useful in entryways and closets, helping to keep these areas tidy and free from clutter. By thinking vertically, you can significantly increase your storage options and reduce the amount of clutter on your floors.

5. Digitizing Paperwork and Photos

In the digital age, reducing physical clutter can be as simple as digitizing important documents and photos. This process involves scanning paperwork and photographs and storing them electronically. By converting these items to digital format, you not only save physical space but also organize your important documents more efficiently.

Start the digitizing process by sorting through your paperwork and photos and deciding what needs to be kept. Use a scanner or a scanning app on your smartphone to convert these items into digital files. Once digitized, organize these files into clearly labeled folders on your computer or a cloud storage service. It not only makes it easier to find what you need but also protects your documents and photos from physical damage like fire or water.

Digitizing also offers the benefit of easy sharing and accessibility. Important documents and cherished photos can be shared with family members and friends effortlessly without the risk of losing or damaging the original copies. By digitizing, you can significantly reduce the amount of paper clutter in your home and enjoy a more organized digital space.

6. Creating Designated Spaces for Items

Creating designated spaces for every item in your home is a key step in combating clutter. This approach involves assigning a specific spot for each category of items, ensuring that everything is stored in an orderly and systematic manner. Having a designated place for each item not only keeps your home tidy but also saves time and reduces the stress of searching for misplaced belongings.

Start by identifying items that tend to create clutter, such as keys, mail, or children’s toys. Assign a specific spot for these items, whether it’s a drawer, a basket, or a shelf. For larger items like sports equipment or seasonal clothing, consider allocating a particular closet or area in your garage.

Maintaining these designated spaces requires discipline and routine. Make it a habit to return items to their assigned places after use. Encourage all family members to adhere to this system. Over time, this practice will become a natural part of your daily routine, contributing to a more organized and clutter-free home.


Tackling clutter in your home is a manageable task with the right strategies. By utilizing storage units, adhering to a ‘One In, One Out’ rule, scheduling regular decluttering sessions, maximizing vertical space, digitizing important documents, and creating designated spaces for items, homeowners can effectively organize their space. These practical tips not only help in maintaining a clutter-free environment but also enhance the overall functionality and aesthetics of your home.

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