A Guide to Horse Health Information and Consultancy

Like any animal companion, horses need attention and care. They need even more attention and care than dogs or cats. If you want to own a horse, it is necessary to know the time commitment and health information of these equines.

A solidhealth care program can keep your horse from diseases. It will allow it to live a longer and happier life. The principle of this health care is about preventive and not corrective care. If you want your horse to remain healthy, it is wise to find a solution to its health issues before it becomes serious.

You will get more information about taking care of your equine from a consultant or veterinarian. This medical professional might recommend horse health products or a particular diet that would enhance the health and well-being of your equine. It is wise to consult this professional first before starting any treatment with your hoofed friend.

This article will serve as a guide in discussing some important health information about horses that you need to know. Let’s discuss them.

Important Health Information About Horses You Should Know

The following are some of the important information you must know:


You might wonder; ‘how does where my hoofed friend live affect its health? The truth is that the condition of the stables can affect the wellness of your horse. The natural method of housing your equine is preferable to other methods. This is by keeping it in well- kept stables. Horses that are housed in stables have fewer disease outbreaks and behavioral issues than others.

When caring for your hoofed friend on pasture, ensure that it has close access to clean and fresh water every day. Also, make sure it is well sheltered from harsh weather conditions. The shelter must be constructed with natural materials like palm fronds or mature tree stands. It should not be close to the direction of the wind. If you would like to know how to construct an equine shelter, check here:https://www.wikihow.com/


The feeding of your equine will contribute to its health and wellness. Giving it improper food could cause sicknesses like lameness and colic, susceptibility to infections, and reduced performance. Apart from giving it water, your hoofed friend needs minerals, vitamins, energy, and protein in its rations.

When considering how and what to feed your horse, it is vital to realize that equines are forage eaters. They can graze for many hours each day depending on how well they eat. They have a really small stomach and their digestive system can only process small amounts of food per time.

With that in mind, the commonly eaten food for horses is grass or hay. You can either give one at a time or a combination of both. Most equine requires about 1-2 pounds of quality grass/ hay every day. Aside from pasture, you can give your hoofed friend some vitamin or protein supplements that are designed for dietary needs. You can find these supplements from reputable equine healthcare organizations.

Contagious Diseases Treatment

Contagious illnesses can spread from one animal to another. Treating these diseases must be done by reducing the exposure to other animals and the disease-causing agents. To do this, you need to appropriately vaccinate your horses before they are taken to their shelter. You can also isolate them from others for 30 days to make sure that the sick ones that are incubating a contagious illness don’t get introduced into the pasture.

Some common signs you should take note of during this isolation period include decreased appetite, coughing, tiredness, fever, and nostril or eyes discharge. Also, if the already housed equine shows signs of contagious illness, it is wise to promptly isolate it from others. The shelter must then be cleaned and disinfected to curb the spread of the disease to others. For other ways to treat or curb contagious diseases, read this article.

Parasites Treatment

How to treat or controlinternal parasites is an important horse healthcare information to know. These internal parasites are silent killers. They cause damage that you wouldn’t notice till the problems get worse. The most common internal parasitesin equines are roundworms, botfly larvae, and tapeworms. Young horses are more prone to these parasitesthan older ones.

These parasites can cause internal intestinal irritation and obstruction in the body of the horse. It can also strip it of valuable nutrients, causing it to shrink and become very sick. Make sure todeworm your hoofed companions regularly to control the parasites. Talk with a vet or consultant before using any deworming drugs.

Dental Care

Regular dental checkups and care are essential if you want to maintain a healthy horse. If your hoofed companion has healthy teeth, it would feel more comfortable when eating. Common tooth problems it might face include sharp enamels that could lead to lacerations of the tongue and cheek and infected gums or teeth. Sadly, most equinesdo not show tooth problems symptoms until it becomes serious.

Having a regular dental care program should be included in your horse’s routine. Its veterinarian will help to set up a dental plan that suits your equine’s needs. Depending on the use and age of your hoofed companion, dental examinations should be conducted once or twice a year.

Hoof Care

You may have heard the saying; ‘What is a horse without its hoof? This is so true. Without the hoof, your equine would not move or function properly. You need to have a good hoof care routine for your companion. This involves clearing the shelter of sharp objects and offering a balanced diet that strengthens the hoof. You can discuss with the veterinarian or consultant about this diet.


Taking good care of your horse is not hard at all. With a solid health care program, you will help to reduce disease outbreaks and elongate your hoofed friend’s lifespan. Preventing issues before they occur is more sensible than treating them. Working with a veterinarian or equine consultant will make the entire wellness program easy to follow.

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