A-Z Guide to Yelp for Business Owners

You might think that your company’s online presence is solid, but half of all companies fail in their first five years. Odds are that many of them also think that they have great marketing strategies.

In order for your business to thrive, you need to use everything you can to stand out from the crowd. With opportunities to provide business information, create ads, and interact with customers, Yelp can help you out in this endeavor.

But how does it work?

Keep reading to learn all about how Yelp for business owners works.

What Type of Businesses Should Use Yelp?

If you’ve used Yelp as a consumer before, then you should have a good idea of how it works. Yelp helps people discover and learn more about different types of businesses.

If your company operates in one of the following fields, making a Yelp page is a smart idea:

  • Foodservice
  • Entertainment
  • Nightlife
  • Home services
  • Health and fitness
  • Beauty
  • General services
  • Auto services
  • Local retailers

If your business doesn’t fall into one of these categories, don’t worry. You might be able to find a subcategory to operate in.

Is Yelp Free for Businesses?

Is Yelp free for businesses to use? The answer is yes, but also no.

Businesses can create and manage basic pages on Yelp for free. For some companies, this may be all that they need. However, there are a host of premium features that cost money to use.

For example, if you want to put a call to action button on your Yelp page, it’ll cost you $1 per day. Likewise, if you’d like to boost your page with an ad, expect to pay several hundred dollars per thousand impressions.

Understand How to Use Yelp for Business Owners

The first thing you’ll need to do to use Yelp is create a business page. Check to make sure that a page doesn’t already exist. If it does, you can complete a series of steps and ultimately claim it as your own.

You’ll then need to add all of the required information to your page. Remember that the more you add, the more useful it will be.

Finally, you’ll need reviews to give your business credibility. Check out this site to learn how to get more Yelp reviews.

Don’t Forget to Monitor Your Account

After you create your page and acquire a collection of reviews, remember that your work isn’t done. The best businesses monitor their Yelp accounts, taking action when necessary.

Aside from monitoring analytics, you also need to ensure that you respond to reviews—good and bad. Doing so shows the world how important customer service is to you.

Make the Most of Yelp for Business Owners

If you’re looking to succeed in the world of business, then be prepared to take advantage of all the resources you have at your disposal. One of those is Yelp for business owners.

Use this guide and the tips it lays out to give you the knowledge you need to make the most out of Yelp.

Do you now have a better understanding of how to use Yelp for business owners? If you do, make sure to check out some of our other posts for more helpful guides and tips.

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