Is it time for a gut health assessment?

There’s no better time than today to get screened for potential gut problems. Your gut bacteria play a crucial role in your immunity and overall health and well-being. 

As we age, the gut can become more problematic and prone to developing illnesses if it’s not well taken care of. Oftentimes, chronic illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes can be detected years before they become ill with full-blown symptoms. This is why early detection is so important.

Abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation can be symptoms of serious underlying issues that need to be addressed by a gastroenterologist Bowral to prevent gut problems from arising.

Here are reasons why gut health assessments are important. 

Understanding gastrointestinal health

Your digestive system is an ecosystem of trillions of live bacteria. The organs house some of the major organs in our body, namely the stomach, colon, small and large intestines, liver, and pancreas. Our gut microbiome is an accumulation of what has passed through our body from our diet, both the good and the bad.

Considering the density of foreign bacteria that can enter the gut system, it’s vital to have it checked regularly in order to ensure that nothing destabilizes the body or poses a health risk. Preventing any problems from arising before it happens is a much more reliable and cost-effective measure than doing it without.

1) Gut Health Affects Brain Health

If you’re feeling blue, or if you just feel less energetic, it could be an indication that you have a problem with your gut and your entire digestive system. Both your gut and brain produce neurons that serve as information pathways and signal movements along your body. 

One of the things the gut produces is GABA, which is responsible for managing symptoms of anxiety and depression. An underdeveloped gut can also add to feelings of stress. One study showed how the gut has high levels of serotonin in its system. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that’s said to affect how we regulate our mood, making gut health and brain health closely intertwined together.

2) Effects on Age on Gut Health

We start developing a gut microbiome similar to that of adults when we turn three years old. This happens as we interact with our environment and eat particular foods. 

As we grow older, you may acquire more interleukin 6 in your body, which is a regulator in the body that makes us experience chronic inflammation. This can increase the risk of a variety of diseases like obesity, diabetes, a leaky gut, and some forms of cancer.

As you approach your 50s, having a routine gut health check becomes a necessity. People over 50 should be screened for digestive issues and cancer frequently. A colonoscopy usually helps determine any underlying problems that a person may be experiencing.

3) Cardiovascular Disease Risks

Taking care of your gut is very similar to taking care of your heart health. The food you eat greatly affects the chance of you developing diseases like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Moreover, the chemicals, enzymes, and bacteria in your gut have been tied to a higher risk of heart failure, plaque buildup in arteries, heart attack, and stroke.

Eating very spicy food can also cause you to experience more frequent heartburns. A potential reason for frequent heartburn is Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, where a weakened esophagus sphincter lets stomach acid and food flow back to the esophagus.

Fortunately, you can prevent these problems from escalating by going on frequent checkups with a doctor, studying your gut history, and getting tests done. You can also develop more healthy habits like implementing a strict diet, taking nutrient supplements, and exercising regularly. 

Closing Thoughts

Gut health assessments are important for several reasons. 

It affects our brain and mental health as it produces enzymes that act as mood stabilizers, contributing to whether we feel happy or sad. It’s prone to getting worse as we age, producing regulators that can pose health risks if unchecked and unaddressed. Lastly, it also affects the state of our heart and general health as a whole.

If you want to improve your vitality and stay on top of your health, consult your doctor and schedule a gut assessment today.

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