Medical Device Marketing: 5 Tips to Sell Your Products to Physicians

If you’re trying to get your medical device manufacturing business off the ground, here’s what you need to know about medical device marketing for success.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are poured into the medical technology industry each year. As the demand for better medical care rises on the back of heightened insurance premiums, device manufacturers are poised to see larger margins.

With a higher opportunity for profit though comes higher competition. That’s why medical device marketing is more important than ever.

If you’re a device manufacturer that’s looking to get increased attention from physicians, keep reading. Below, our team shares tips that can help you gain traction in your market.

1. Build Out Your Online Presence

No matter what you’re selling, having a robust online presence is a must in today’s marketplace. Not only do you need a website to push physicians to when you engage them through offline marketing but many professionals that are searching for specific technology solutions might bump into your company by chance because of your web presence.

Building websites that share your product’s value proposition, success record, and other key points is easier than ever. That’s largely thanks to content management systems like WordPress.

If you’re not talented when it comes to website development, outsourcing that work is affordable.

2. Create Compelling Case Studies

Selling medical technology comes with the additional struggle of having to convince highly educated individuals that your product is worth purchasing. Given the intelligence of your consumer, empty claims, and medical device marketing bells and whistles aren’t likely to earn you business.

Instead, focus your marketing collateral resources on developing insightful case studies. These studies should quantitatively express your device’s success with patients.

By building a compelling, scientifically-backed case for your product, you’re going to garner more attention from the medical community.

3. Start a Mailing List

Armed with a case study (or multiple), we recommend starting an email list that you can ask people to join in exchange for access to your most compelling studies. This is what’s called an “opt-in offer”. Leveraging an opt-in offer can lead to you building a database of email leads that you can easily market to in the future.

There are low-cost mailing-list platforms that you can explore. Popular options include Mail Chimp and Constant Contact.

4. Launch Direct Mail Campaigns

Not all effective marketing today is done online. As a matter of fact, some of the highest-converting marketing still revolves around direct mail.

Consider building a database of medical offices where you know physicians perform procedures that could benefit from your product. Then, send out personalized postcards to those professionals. Postcards should offer a quick pitch and invite readers to learn more by heading to a custom landing page you’ve built for them on your website.

5. Take Out Ads in Niche Publications

There’s a popular saying that goes, “The riches are in the niches.” What that says is that the more granular you can get in identifying your audience, the better your conversions will be.

Take the time to understand who your perfect customer is. Then, find out where they get their information so you can take out ads in those publications.

Whether it’s a website that revolves around medical contract manufacturing or a general physician’s magazine, finding the perfect spot to advertise is well worth the effort!

The Right Medical Device Marketing Plan Can Skyrocket Your Business Success

B2B marketing certainly presents challenges that are unseen in the B2C space. Still, there are a variety of outstanding medical device marketing strategies that your team can explore. The right ones will resonate with physicians and skyrocket your revenue.

We hope our tips have gotten the wheels turning in your head! Consider browsing more of the business/technology content in our blog for more ideas.

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