The Most Common Sports Related Injuries Explained

If you’re an athlete or have ever taken part in sports, you’ll know how common injuries are. Sports tend to be physically demanding, and our bodies can sometimes suffer because of it. It is important to know the signs of an injury and what causes it.

So, keep reading to find out more about common sports-related injuries.

Strains and Sprains

Strains and sprains are probably some of the most common sports injuries out there.

Strains affect your muscles. They are common simply because we have so many different muscles all over our bodies. When we stretch our muscles farther than they should or move our bodies in ways we are unaccustomed to (or simply in ways we shouldn’t!), we can leave our muscles torn, damaged, and in pain.

Some of the most common muscle strains include:

Most strains are minor and heal naturally with rest.

Sprains affect ligaments the same way strains affect muscles. Ligaments are the tissues that connect bones to each other. When these ligaments pull or tear, that is called a sprain.

The most common types of sprains are:

  • ankles
  • knees
  • wrists
  • elbows

Sprains and badly torn muscles take longer to heal than strains, and can sometimes require immobilization or rehabilitation.

When it comes to rehabilitating an injury, it is important to go see a physical therapist, like, to help with the recovery.

Bone Fractures

Impact and contact sports can easily lead to bone fractures and even broken bones. Fractures are a risk you face with most strenuous or contact sports and can sometimes take weeks of immobilization to heal. With these injuries, you might also need surgery to properly correct the injury.

The risk of fractures and broken bones can be reduced by wearing the appropriate padding, warming up, and not “playing through the pain”. Pain is your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong, so it is important to listen when it is trying to tell you something.

Mild to Severe Concussions

A concussion offers when an impact to the head causes the brain to lurch inside the skull. Unfortunately, this can also damage the surrounding tissue that holds your brain in place.

Concussion symptoms can include:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • sleepiness
  • memory loss
  • temporary loss of consciousness

It is important to seek a medical evaluation after a blow to the head and NEVER continue playing a sport if the symptoms of a concussion show.

Proper Sports Gear, Clothing, and Footwear

The use of protective gear is essential to playing sports and avoiding injuries. While some sports may not require specialized equipment, it is still essential to wear the proper clothing and accessories to minimize the risk of harm. Players should also wear proper shoes while participating in a sport. Except for running or track events, all other sports require specific footwear. For instance, basketball requires either sneakers or high tops with good ankle support; soccer players need cleats; hockey requires skates; and lacrosse needs specially designed cleats for traction on grass fields. Regardless of which sport they participate in, athletes should take measures to protect themselves from potential injuries by wearing the correct clothing and gear.

Understanding Sports-Related Injuries

Understanding the most common sports-related injuries and how they can occur is an important aspect of playing a sport. Unfortunately, injuries tend to happen even if you are careful. You need to know the signs to look out for and the dangers surrounding possible injuries if you want to be able to keep playing the sport.

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