The Ultimate Guide to Individualized Living Options


At its most basic, an individualized living option is a service that allows people to live as independently as possible. This might sound like it’s easy for everyone, but if you’ve ever tried to use a supermarket trolley with only one wheel, or if your arm has fallen asleep when you’re lying on it for too long, then you’ll know just how important it is to be able to do things for yourself.

What are individualized living options?

Individualized living options are a range of services that help people live independently in the place of their choice.

They can include personal assistance, home care, and community support to enable people to maintain their independence at home or in supported accommodation. This is also known as self-directed support.

Why are individualized living options so important?

Individualized living options are important because they allow people to remain in their own homes, which is where they feel the most secure. They can also help people with dementia or other conditions to stay independent and safe at home for longer by providing a range of services and support tailored to their needs.

Individualized living options can improve the quality of life and make it easier for older people to live longer with dignity. That’s why we need more funding for these types of services – so that we can allow everyone to continue enjoying life in their way as long as possible.

What does an individualized living option look like?

Individualized living options can take many forms, but the basic principles are the same:

  • Individualized living options are usually smaller than a traditional home. They can be a house, apartment, unit, or cottage. They’re often located in an area where other individuals share similar interests and values.
  • An individualized living option might be in the city or it might be in the country. It might exist as part of a retirement village or retirement community; it might also be co-located with other services such as healthcare and education (known as “senior villages”).

What are the benefits of individualized living options?

Individualized living options offer many benefits to people with disabilities. They provide the following:

  • Independence – Many people who have limited mobility can still live independently in their own homes, rather than moving into a care home or other facility. This means they can stay in their communities, where they have friends and family nearby to support them.
  • Choice – Individualised living options allow individuals to choose exactly what kind of assistance they receive and decide how much help is right for them—no matter what kind of disability they may have. Each person’s needs will vary based on their situation as well as other factors such as age or family status (for example, if there are dependents).
  • Quality of life – Independent living provides an improved quality of life compared with institutional care because it allows you more freedom and control over your day-to-day activities. You also get access to self-determined services which offer greater autonomy than traditional forms of social care like group homes or board & care homes do not generally provide quality employment opportunities either so this option may be more appealing if someone wants something other than just basic daily tasks done around town.* Support – In addition to providing independence through mobile devices such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers etcetera; technology has also opened new doors when it comes specifically to health-related supports such as telehealth systems that allow patients anywhere at any time regardless of where geographically located from each other via video calls from doctors offices etcetera; allowing nurses/physicians assistants examine patients remotely via camera lens’***Section Header: How does individualized living work?

Where do I start?

First and foremost, you can start by talking to your local council. You’ll want to research the options available in your area and make sure the one you choose is right for you. If it isn’t, there are plenty of other options out there!

Individualized living options can change your life!

  • Living in your own home
  • Living with your family
  • A retirement village
  • A care home
  • An assisted living facility
  • A nursing home


We hope that this guide has helped give you a better understanding of what individualized living options are, how they can benefit your life and where to start. If you’re looking for more information or assistance with your individualized living option, get in touch with us today!

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