Everyone ages; it’s a fact of life. Along with aging comes many challenges and struggles.
In some cases, elderly individuals are able to overcome or manage obstacles independently and can stay in their homes on their own. Others require in-home care on a part or full-time basis.
Although all of us would like to stay in our own homes in our later years, that’s not always possible. Often, more hands-on, ongoing support is required. Assisted living facilities are a big help for many, but some people find that they need more direct and constant care. A skilled nursing facility is likely the best choice in these instances.
Choosing an appropriate and dependable skilled nursing facility can seem like a big challenge. Whether you are choosing one for yourself in the future or for a loved one right now, you want to find the best facility at the best possible price.
However, this decision does not have to be difficult. Read on to learn some tips for choosing a great skilled nursing care facility.
1. Do Your Research
The first step in choosing a skilled nursing facility is to do your research. It’s likely that you know other people who have been through this search before, so ask your friends, neighbors, and co-workers for recommendations.
Also, look online. There are countless resources online to help connect you with a facility. You can read reviews of different facilities on a variety of sites, and you can also visit the websites of the facilities that interest you to learn more about them.
2. Choose Several to Visit
Once you have narrowed the field somewhat, choose a few facilities to visit. You will learn a great deal during a site visit through contact with the staff and observations. Observe the way the staff acts with the residents. Are the residents well-groomed? Is the facility clean and decorated in an inviting manner?
3. Ask Lots of Questions
During your visit, ask lots of questions. The staff should be happy to answer them. Learn about the meals and activities offered to the residents. Inquire about the training and licensing of the facility’s staff.
4. Talk to Residents
If you have the opportunity, speak to a few residents during your visit. Ask them about their impressions of the facility and their likes and dislikes. If possible, do this without a staff-member present so the resident can feel free to express his or her opinions freely. Some facilities include testimonials from residents on their site, there’s more info here if you’d like to see an example of that.
5. Look Into Complaints
Even the best facilities have had some complaints filed against them. It’s up to you to determine whether the complaints are numerous or repetitive enough to give pause. You can contact your state Ombudsman office to find out more.
Find the Best Skilled Nursing Facility for You
The best skilled nursing facility for one person may not be the best one for you or your loved one, so even after you have done all of the above, take some time to consider your personal needs and preferences. Then, take all of the information you have gathered and create a comparison chart.
The best facility for you or your relative will likely become clear after this process, and if not, then go back and visit your favorites again to help you make your choice. Remember, if you don’t end up liking your first choice, you can always make a change down the road.
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