Photo credit: tankind.co.uk
Is there anything stopping you from getting a tan? If so, it might be the lack of proper knowledge of tanning beds and how they work. You need to stop delaying your appointment to get that natural glow. And it’s time to start tanning your body the right way.
These 10 tanning bed tips you need to know are effective and dependable.
10 Tanning Bed Tips You Need to Know
1. Shower and Exfoliate Before Tanning

Photo credit: quirlycues.com
You can’t expect a good tan if your skin is not scrubbed and smooth. The rays in a tanning bed may not penetrate deep inside your skin. But they have a direct impact on the outer and middle layer.
It does so by boosting melanin and pulling oxygen to the surface of the skin. To make sure this happens evenly and correctly. Keeping your skin clean is essential.
2. What Is Your Skin Type?
You need to get your skin checked for any sensitivity. You can do this with the help of a professional in a tanning salon. Expensive salons are backed by good and reliable dermatologists.
If you have sensitive skin, they’d advise you a good tanning bed lotion. And reduce the intensity of your tanning process. You need to make sure the UV rays coming out of the tanning bed aren’t harmful.
3. Keep Yourself Hydrated
This is a good and important tip to keep in mind. You need to drink more water for your tanning session. Whether you’re an experienced tanner or a beginner! Bring a bottle of fresh water along with you.
You will feel very thirsty after your session. That’s what you need the water bottle for. Don’t wait to get back home to drink a few glasses.
4. Do Not Use Chemicals on Your Skin

Photo credit: chemicalsinourlife.echa.europa.eu
This applies to people who use a lot of fragrance or oil-based products. Fair-skinned people have a knack of using expensive products. This is to protect their skin from harsh UV rays. But what you really should use for your tanning session is the best tanning lotion for tattoos or for fair skin.
Putting on extra moisturizer or oil can not only harm your skin. But reduce the effect of tanning. You’re bound to get an uneven and blotchy tan as a result.
5. Use Protective Eyewear

Photo credit: istmagazine.com
You need to protect your eyes with guarded wear. To be honest, a good indoor tanning salon will provide you with protective eyewear. Without you even asking for it! And if they don’t, get out there right away!
Having said that, if they don’t have eyewear and you are a frequent tanner. Having eye covers for you is essential. It keeps your eyes away from harsh UV radiation.
6. Use Hair Protection
Wearing protective devices such a hair covers prevent sun damage. But you’re not actually under the sun, to begin with. A tanning bed uses stronger UV radiation to tan your skin.
This can have a strong impact on your skin, eyes, lips, and hair. Now you don’t want to damage your hair in the process. So wearing hair covers to protect against sun damage is necessary.
7. Go for the Lowest Tan Setting
You must allow your skin to get used to the UV radiation. If you’re new to tanning, opting for the minimum tan setting is ideal. You get to see how your skin reacts to it after the session.
And if it reacts well, you can increase the intensity of the tan the next time. It’s one of the most important out of the 10 tanning bed tips for women you need to know.
8. Don’t Forget to Use a Tanning Lotion

Photo credit: tanninglotion.org
You can’t go on without this one!
What is the best indoor tanning lotion? It meets all your expectations to help you get the tan you love. It moisturizes your skin, deepens your tan, and prevents redness. When you’re using sunless tanning lotions, you need to apply evenly.
9. Do Not Wear Expensive Clothes for Your Session
Bronzers and tanning accelerators or any other sunless tanning product contain dye. This means whatever you’re wearing is the first to get stained because of it.
Hence, for every appointment, make sure you wear old clothes. Trust me; it’s not possible to not get your clothes smudged at least once. And you need to keep the lotion on for a while.
This brings us to the last but not the least tanning bed tip.
10. Don’t Shower Right After Tanning
If you want a dark and intense tan, let the tanning lotion stay on your skin. Having said that, a certified and professional tanning bed has a 24 hours cap. What this means is that your skin tans in 24 hours after your first session.
And you choose to delay washing the lotion off your skin a bit longer. This can significantly impact the way your skin looks and feels after 24 hours.
There are many ways to tan naturally. But there are a few right ways to tan indoors. The UV radiation of a tanning bed accelerates your tan. So staying safe is a priority for all tanners. And these 10 tanning bed tips you need to know are proof of that fact.