3 Security Camera Installation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Are you hoping to install a reliable security surveillance system that will protect your business? If so, you should learn more about how to carry out security camera installation correctly for the best results. 

Keep reading to learn more about what not to do with this guide on some of the most common security camera instillation mistakes made by businesses. Make sure you’re prepared to install your security cameras with this guide on mistakes to avoid when doing so. 

  1. Not Fully Understanding the Security Needs of the Premise Before Instillation

Before you purchase a security system and equipment, you will first need to assess the premise of your business to identify its own unique security needs. The type of system that you purchase will depend on factors such as the type of business you’re securing, the size of the premise, the location of your company, and your hours of operation. To do so, take a walkthrough of your business exteriors and make a list of common security issues you would like to avoid. 

Look at areas such as alleys and parking lots to see which areas could use more lighting and surveillance. Additionally, look at every point of entry of your business and determine a surveillance method that could protect these areas against intruders. Focus on both your doorway entries and windows. 

Looking around the interior of your business is important when evaluating your security camera locations as well. There may be areas within the facility that could benefit from extra surveillance. 

  1. Getting the Wrong Kind of Security Camera 

When shopping for a security camera system, you should be aware that not all devices in this category are the same. You may need multiple types of security cameras to offer surveillance in certain locations. For example, a different camera type will be needed for a dark parking lot than for your reception area. 

Additionally, the quality of a security camera is also important to focus on. If you want to be able to identify details from your surveillance such as a license plate number or the facial features of an intruder, you will need a high-quality camera system. Knowing what is important to you when it comes to protecting the premise will allow you to find the right camera system for you. 

  1. Incorrect Placement 

No matter how high-quality the equipment that you purchase is, it will not be effective if it is installed at an incorrect angle. You want to make sure your cameras are angled in the best way to get footage of the areas you are working to protect. Additionally, keep in mind that the farther away the camera is angeled, the fewer details you will be able to identify. 

Head to the link for law enforcement surveillance strategies that can help keep your business safe. 

Security Camera Installation Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re planning a security camera installation for your facility, make sure you avoid these mistakes for the best results. 

For more advice on gadgets head to the “Tech” section of our site. 

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