Category: Tips and Tricks

Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs

Did you know that there are about 8.1 million job openings available in the US? Among those jobs are some of the most dangerous jobs where you may risk heavy injuries and even death.  With …

Heel Guard Drain Grates Technology

The ground-breaking grating technology was designed specifically for pedestrian-accessible public places.  The drain is extremely successful in quickly eliminating large amounts of stored water while filtering material, such as leaves, to keep it from clogging. …

How to Liven Up a Cultural Event

Whether you’re hosting a bar mitzvah or a huge cultural wedding, sometimes things can get bogged down in the details of ensuring it stays true to your roots.  We all want to follow traditions when …

Custom Blinds: Spruce Up Your Interiors  

Decorating home interiors is a fun-filled activity but a challenging task for many. The core components in creating design ideas include fixtures and fittings, furniture, soft furnishings, and accessories. Aside from colors and form, designers …