7 Facts You May Not Have Known About Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a profession that works with patients to help them return to work. Patients of occupational therapists experience an increase in their quality of life as they recover from chronic conditions and injuries. For example, occupational therapists can assist people suffering from spinal cord injuries in everyday tasks such as dressing and bathing. No matter how you feel, your occupation is central to your health and well-being. Whether working at a desk, on the road, or at home, your occupation affects the quality of your life. This blog post outlines the facts you may not have known about Occupational therapy.

1.      It Focused on Helping People Manage Day-to-Day Living

Occupational therapy has its roots in medicine, but it wasn’t until after World War I that it became recognized as a distinct discipline within medicine. At that time, physicians began researching ways to help soldiers injured in battle return to normal functioning lives as quickly as possible by focusing on everyday tasks like feeding themselves or getting dressed rather than just treating their wounds. This practice made doctors realize that many patients had difficulty performing these tasks because they lacked specific skills needed for daily living.

2.      Occupational Therapists Help People Achieve Individualized Goals

Occupational therapists provide hands-on assistance with activities such as eating, dressing and grooming; they also teach patients how to perform everyday tasks such as cooking and housekeeping. These skills are necessary for independence at home and in the workplace. Occupational therapists can also be involved in long-term planning for individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities by designing programs that promote self-management strategies and independence in daily living activities. For example, occupational therapists might design programs that teach patients how to manage diabetes or improve memory through exercise strategies.

3.      Occupational Therapists Can Work With People of All Ages

Occupational therapy is a profession that helps individuals of all ages participate in the different things they really want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. Occupational therapists usually help people across the lifespan to participate in exactly what they want and need to do by promoting health and wellness, preventing injury, and reducing or eliminating disabling conditions.

4.      Occupational Therapists Must Be Licensed

Licensure is required by law in every state and territory of Australia. To become a licensed occupational therapist, you must complete an accredited education program and pass both a national certification exam and a state licensing exam. You must also meet certain other requirements that the state’s regulatory board sets. For example, some states require continuing education for license renewal, while others do not.

5.      Occupational Therapists Are Trained To Be Sensitive

Occupational therapy is usually a form of Therapy that helps people with disabilities, injuries, or illnesses maintain their day-to-day activities. Occupational therapists use physical, speech, and psychological counselling to help patients improve their function. Occupational therapists are trained to be sensitive and aware of their patient’s needs and limitations. Their goal is to help patients lead independent lives as much as possible. They work with people of all ages and backgrounds in various settings such as schools, hospitals, or private practices, including helping people with disabilities.

6.      Occupational Therapy Doesn’t Have To Be Time-Consuming

In fact, Occupational therapy can be done in as little as 15 minutes per day! The goal is to find ways for patients to stay active and engaged in everyday activities; for example, an occupational therapist might teach you how to make your own lunch instead of eating out at restaurants daily. This could also include things like improving your home’s accessibility or arranging your workspace so that you can work more efficiently.

7.      You Can Use an Occupational Therapy Tool at Home

Occupational therapy is often thought of as a medical treatment, but there are many things you can do on your own. For example, you can use an Occupational therapy tool at home to make cooking or cleaning easier. Some common home OT tools include:

Grabbers – These are helpful for people who have arthritis or other conditions that make grasping objects difficult. They are also great for children who need help picking up toys and other items from the floor.

Hammocks – Many people have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning or after naps because their muscles are weak and stiff. Grabbing onto a hammock can help pull you out of bed, improving mobility and reducing pain.

Splints – Splints come in many shapes and sizes, but they’re all designed to help patients with limited mobility move more easily. You may use a splint during regular activities or while sleeping if you have trouble holding yourself up when sitting or lying at night.


Occupational therapy is meant to help people with disabilities or with health issues during their everyday life. It may be a physical, intellectual or developmental disability that makes an individual need some form of Occupational therapy. If you or somebody you know has this condition, know that it is not always easy, but nothing is impossible to overcome. Hopefully, this blog post has helped inform you of the facts you may not have known about Occupational therapy.

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