The Beginner’s Guide to Drinking Gin It Right


Gin is the elixir of choice for those who enjoy a taste of the past. It’s been around for hundreds of years, and it’s only getting more popular. It was once considered strictly a man’s drink, but now women have taken up the mantle as well. Gin can be a lot of fun to make at home, but it also makes a great addition to any cocktail party. Gin cocktails are so popular that they’ve become an entire subgenre in the bartending world! Now that you want to make some drinks with gin yourself, let’s get started on how to do so properly:

Behold the juniper berry.

So, what is a juniper berry? It’s a small blue-black berry that grows on the juniper shrub. You might have seen it used in cooking—it’s often added to meats and game dishes. But did you know that the tiny fruit has been used as an ingredient in gin since the 1600s?

Gin is made by infusing juniper berries and other herbs (like angelica root or coriander seeds) into alcohol. The process for making gin can vary from distillery to distillery, but essentially you’re steeping your concoction to allow each botanical to impart its flavor; this process requires time and patience on your part—you’ll need anywhere from three days up to two weeks depending on how long you let it sit before bottling!

First things first, get the right ingredients.

You can drink gin any way you want, but there’s nothing wrong with doing it right. You’ll want to pay attention to your choice of ingredient for each step of the process.

  • The gin: This is the most important part of this equation. You’ll want a good-quality gin that suits your taste buds and also complements what you’re serving it with (more on that later). I’d recommend starting with something like Plymouth or London Dry gins—they’re not too harsh on the alcohol front and have a nice balance between botanicals and citrus notes. A good rule of thumb is to start at 40 proof; once you’ve gone through those bottles, consider venturing into heavier waters by getting yourself some Old Toms or Greenhook Ginsmiths versions for those evenings when only small doses of alcohol will do.
  • The tonic: If possible, choose an artisanal tonic made from natural ingredients instead of standard store-bought brands—it does make a difference in how well your cocktail comes together! I’d recommend Fever Tree because they have natural flavors available as well as no-calorie options (which are perfect if you’re watching calories but still want your gin fix). Their Elderflower flavor goes especially well with gin if you’ve got some lemons lying around; just squeeze one into a glass filled halfway with ice cubes before adding 3 ounces Fever Tree elderflower tonic water (or club soda) over top along with 1–2 ounces Gin!

Start with a good gin.

Gin is a spirit, so you won’t find it in a bottle like a vodka or rum. Instead, gin comes in a variety of different sizes and bottles—the most common being the 1.5-liter bottle (about 5-6 cups). Gin should always be stored in the freezer; this helps to preserve the flavor and texture of your drink!

If you’re looking for some good gins to start with, here are some suggestions:

  • Hendricks – This brand is known for its unique packaging that resembles an old apothecary bottle. It has a distinctive floral flavor and aroma that makes it ideal for cocktails such as Tom Collins or Martini.
  • Bombay Sapphire – This brand is one of the most popular gins on the market today because it has an elegant taste perfect for enjoying straight up with club soda over ice or mixing into cocktails like a Mojito or Cosmopolitan.
  • Tanqueray – This brand will give more than just your average gin experience thanks to its distinct juniper berry notes that come through strongly when consumed neat without dilution from water or other mixers

For a good gin and tonic, choose your tonic wisely.

If you’re going to drink a gin and tonic, the tonic water you choose is an important part of the experience. The best choice is an artisanal tonic made with natural ingredients like cane sugar, quinine, citrus fruit juice, and herbs.

Avoid drinking G&Ts made with mass-produced brands of tonic water that contain artificial sweeteners or preservatives—these can ruin your entire G&T experience. They can also be bad for your health in general—one study found that people who regularly drink diet soda have a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome (a collection of symptoms associated with a high risk of heart disease) than those who drink regular soda!

When it comes to garnishes, less is more.

While the way you choose to drink your gin is a personal choice, there are some general rules you can follow to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your experience.

Garnishes are integral to enjoying any cocktail, but when it comes to gin, their role is particularly important. They can bring out subtle flavors in the spirit and add an element of surprise to their appearance.

To understand how best to use a garnish in your gin cocktail, we first need to talk about what they’re made of and where they come from.

Don’t forget about the ice.

The ice is a crucial part of any cocktail, but it’s especially important in gin and tonics. Not only does the ice help to chill the drink, but it also helps to dilute it.

You can make ice from scratch using a variety of methods:

  • Make ice cubes from scratch by storing water in an airtight freezer bag for at least 24 hours before putting them into your refrigerator or freezer.
  • Freeze water in an empty jar or bottle for two hours, then remove and store your newly formed block of frozen water in another container until ready to use.
  • Let the fruit sit out on a tray overnight; when they’re frozen solid, chop up pieces (or whole berries) and store them in an airtight container until ready to use as ice cubes.

There are many ways to make excellent cocktails with gin

No matter your favorite cocktail, there’s a good chance that gin can be mixed into it. Gin is versatile, and it can be mixed with other spirits like vodka or whiskey. It can also be mixed with fruit juices and herbs and spices to create a refreshing drink.

For example:

  • The classic martini is made by mixing dry vermouth (a fortified white wine) with gin, but you could also make it with vodka if you prefer the smoothness of that spirit.
  • A gin sour features lemon juice or lime juice in addition to the basic ingredients of gin and sweeteners such as sugar syrup or simple syrup; some recipes call for egg whites as well. You might also see this recipe called “gin fizz” or “french 75.” This is a great summertime drink because you need only ice cubes to chill its bubbles!


Gin is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy a more sophisticated cocktail. It’s been around for centuries and continues to be popular today thanks to its versatility. If you’re looking for something new to try best Australian gins are the best ones.

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