The Connection Between Hormones and Restless Sleep Problems

In recent years, the CDC has been quick to point out that a large percentage of American adults don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis. In fact, one CDC report suggested that up to one-third of people aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep.

Some people don’t get enough sleep simply because they choose not to go to bed at a decent time every night. Others physically struggle to fall asleep at night and wake up tired almost every morning.

Has restless sleep become a problem for you? If so, it could be wreaking havoc on some of the different types of hormones in your body. You should strive to change this to get yourself back to optimal health.

Read all about the connection between hormones and restless sleep problems below.

Which Hormones Are Affected by Restless Sleep?

Your body needs sleep for a whole host of reasons. But one of the most important reasons why your body needs sleep is because it provides your body with time to regulate your hormones.

Here are some of the hormones that are regulated while you sleep:

  • Cortisol
  • Insulin
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Melatonin
  • Thyroid hormones

If restless sleep ever turns into an issue for you, these types of hormones can be impacted in a negative way.

What Might Happen to Your Hormone Levels If You Don’t Do Something About Restless Sleep?

If you’ve ever woken up after a night of restless sleep feeling “out of it,” some of the hormones that we just mentioned have been at least partly to blame for this. Your hormone levels have been thrown off by your poor sleep, and it has caused you to feel crappy.

For example, you might find that your cortisol levels will be way higher than they should be after getting restless sleep. This can leave you feeling very stressed out, even if you’ve only been awake for a few minutes and don’t have anything to be stressed out about.

All of your hunger hormones, like insulin, can also be affected by restless sleep. They might make you feel hungrier than you really are and put you in a position where you’re going to gain a lot of unnecessary weight.

How Can You Adjust Your Hormone Levels If Restless Sleep Is an Issue?

In a perfect world, you should attempt to end your restless sleep issues to bring your hormone levels back to where they need to be. But if you aren’t able to do this right away, you might want to look into solutions that the healthcare industry has come up with.

Hormone replacement therapy could be one great option for you. Visit to learn more about how you could benefit from it.

Don’t Let Restless Sleep Take a Toll on the Hormones in Your Body

You don’t have to allow restless sleep to keep you down. You can speak with your doctor about getting your sleep schedule back on the right track.

You can also look into hormone replacement therapy to see how it can help you with your restless sleep issues. Getting your body’s hormone levels back to where they need to be could make you feel better in no time at all.

Read more about how sleep—or the lack thereof—can affect your health by checking out the other articles on our blog.

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