Which is trusted in Singapore’s roasted coffee beans?

Do you want the flavor and aroma to taste locked in a coffee drink? Roasted coffee beans bring such perfection to every sip. But not all coffee beans will give you the right taste, and if you want the best, then buy Singapore’s most trusted coffee beans. Here are some of the coffee bean in Singapore.

Arabic Kimbo Espresso Coffee Beans

When it comes to a coffee with sweetness presentation, Kimbo 100% Arabica Espresso is lit. It is blended and featured with a smooth texture that dissolves easily. Its pleasant acidity gives this coffee an aromatic profile. An intense and lingering sense of taste is all with this kind of coffee after every sip. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about getting the aroma flavor; buy Arabic Kimbo Espresso Coffee beans.

Classico Whole Coffee Beans

These roasted beans are full of aroma, classic blends of robust and arabica with equal percentage to suit all coffee drinkers. Its blending ideal hints at the taste of chocolate and is natural to fit in different beverages. You can get any type of these coffee beans packed in 250g.

Selezione Whole Coffee Beans

Its blending ratio of 30% of Robusta coffee beans and 70% of Arabica coffee beans gives a sweet taste. The roasting of these beans is done well, which dedicates an intense aroma flavor to any beverage prepared. If you want to taste a nice coffee, buy Selezione whole coffee beans in a 250 grams packet.

Kimbo Espresso Classic Coffee Beans

A 250g of these classic coffee beans have an assurance to give the sweetest flavor ever for a long period. The taste aroma is brought by a well-blended mix of Robusta and Arabica, with a 65% and 35% ratio, respectively. This coffee is natural to fit any kind of beverage, giving them the same quality aroma flavor.

Coffee-Crema 100% Arabica Coffee Beans

This one is full of aroma flavor, blended with an arabica espresso intensively to produce a good coffee taste profile. The pleasant acidity which adds up the beverages’ sweetness is no exception for this Coffe Crema Coffee beans. Just one sip, your mouth is left with a lingering taste and a feeling of balanced sugar naturally. It’s made from 100% pure Arabica coffee beans and packed in 250g; buy yours to enjoy the aroma flavor.

Espresso Decaffeinated coffee beans

This is a mixture of well-blended Robusta and Arabica coffee beans that brings no jitters in every sip. The hints of chocolate incorporate the aroma taste that builds your feelings for every sit coffee drink. The 50% Robusta and 50% Arabica ratio ensures full taste for every beverage; just appeal to your feeling after using the 250g package.


If you want the flavor aroma of coffee beans, choose the above-roasted coffee bean in Singapore. They are the only coffee beans full of sweetness boosting your day’s nice feelings. When you buy, forget not to store them properly to retain or preserve the aroma flavor. You can use DeLonghi Vacuum sealed canisters; they are the best to protect your coffee bean blends from losing their flavor.

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